Monday, June 2, 2014

Rescue me

In the process of rebuilding the retaining block wall to incorporate the new pergola, Mike accidentally dug up this Purple Cherokee tomato. I stuck its roots in one of the ponds for a couple of days, and then moved it to this pot on the north side of our house where I can give careful attention to keeping the soil moist, and where it can get some shade.

Ironically, one of the reasons we decided to go ahead with this project now rather than later was that the pergola would provide some shade and perhaps prolong the tomato harvest. This was the first time I have grown this particular cultivar, and it had already stopped setting fruit. I think it is probably less well adapted to our summer heat than some other cultivars, but the fruit was certainly tasty.


Unknown said...

I love reading your gardening blogs. I need to tell my sister to check them out. She has a green thumb, too, whereas I have one that seems to kill everything. Oh, well, I can dream.

Unknown said...

I think I can comment now. This is my first successful season with tomatoes and like you said, Early Girl has done the best. We put on our shade cloth yesterday and we'll see if they live.

Anonymous said...

It wants me to sign in and I don't trust that it won't trip me up and sneakily re-open the Google Plus account that I worked so hard to close and then recover from. So let's see what happens when I comment and select "anonymous!"


Unknown said...

Thanks friends. It's nice to see that it's working now, or at least is for people with Google accounts. I enjoy reading comments and seeing what other people are doing. Hopefully I will get more comments and not too much spam with the more open settings. Sheree- where green thumbs are concerned, it's nurture not nature!

Lorraine said...

Laurel, you should be able to post both as "anonymous" and by name (URL is not needed)I originally had anonymous postings disabled because I thought it would prevent spam, but the articles I read suggested that Blogger had improved their spam filters. I'm curious to know why you disabled your Google+ account.