Friday, June 20, 2014

Invasion of the sweet potatoes

If you're looking for something that thrives in the summer heat, may I recommend sweet potatoes? I planted two ornamental sweet potato vines in a small area between our lower pond and gazebo three years ago. They die back in cold weather, but come back with a vengeance as soon as it warms up. By midsummer, if left to their own devices, they would cover the floor of the gazebo, the surface of the pond, the streambed, and the raised beds that border it on the other side.

I keep cutting off the vines, sticking the cuttings in hanging baskets and pots, and they keep coming!


Anonymous said...

They're nice and lush! Laurel

Debbie said...

I didn't know they thrived in our heat! When is the best time to plant this?

Lorraine said...

Debbie, you can put out slips once the weather warms up. The edible ones are the same plant; they're just bred for quality of flavor rather than foliage. If you scroll down on the blog to where you see the list of plants on the right and click on "sweet potatoes" you can see all my entries on growing them and a link to instructions on how to start them from slips. Last year I planted slips in June and harvested sweet potatoes in October. I must have missed digging some up because they have come back!