Tuesday, June 10, 2014

An excuse to collect wine bottles

I saw an article detailing a rather complicated way to make plant waterers out of wine bottles here. When I did a little research, I found that some people have been successful in just sticking an unmodified wine bottle into damp soil. I tried out the idea on a rescued Cherokee Purple tomato accidentally uprooted in our latest patio project. So far, it seems to be working as intended.


Anonymous said...

I bought some of those pretty blown glass waterers for house plants and they didn't work well because the smallest particle of soil would get stuck in the neck. I think wine bottles would work much better, but empty faster? You should drink much more wine while you contemplate it :). Laurel

Debbie said...

Thank you for the tip! I am going to try this.

Lorraine said...

:) Some of the articles suggested putting marbles in the bottle to keep the soil from getting in, but so far the one I've tried hasn't clogged. It does empty out overnight in this heat.