Thursday, May 8, 2014


There are about a dozen grape clusters on this Thompson seedless grape, which is in full sun on an arbor that hides our pool equipment. The grapes are smaller than they appear in this photo; and I'm wondering how much bigger they will grow. In the past, they haven't been much larger than peas, although they taste good. Last year we didn't get any, I'm assuming because of the same drip malfunction that killed the vine on the other side of this arbor. This year I am taking extra care to make sure they get enough water by adding a bucket of pond water to each plant on an almost daily basis.

We have two older grapevines at the opposite end of the yard, but never have gotten any grapes from them. The lemon tree has grown so big that it's probably too shady for fruit production, but they produce long vines that grow up into the lemon tree if we aren't attentive.

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