Wednesday, May 21, 2014

First plumeria bloom of the season

We have four plumeria trees growing in large pots on our back patio. They are in pots so we can move them into the garage when we have a freeze warning, but they are really outgrowing the pots. This one, a white variety, is the tallest. That's the tip of a portable gazebo in the background; I think it's at least 10 feet high.

We also have pink and yellow varieties, all purchased from Lowe's when they were about 12 inches tall. The pink variety should bloom in a few days. Last summer its pot broke, and I decided that I wanted to see if they could survive in the ground, so that's where it's growing now. We'll try frost cloth on it this winter, and see how it does. If it lives, we may plant the others in the ground as well. I think they'd be particularly nice in the beds around the pool.

Plumeria lose their leaves in the winter, and look like dead sticks for several months. They're one of the last things to leaf out (late April) and they smell like Hawaii to me. At least in the pots, they've done very well for us. Here's a link to the Valley of the Sun Plumeria Society for more information.

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