March 1, 2016 |
"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."
As blossoms on peach and apricot trees fade and begin to (hopefully) set fruit, the pear tree behind the gazebo is white with blossoms, and the surviving cherry tree is also flowering. Citrus blossoms should follow within a few days; I can smell them already. A freesia, which I planted several years ago pondside and comes back year after year, is blooming, as are many of the nasturtiums and the first larkspur.
It's fun to stroll through the garden this time of year and see what new surprises it has for me. I picked enough asparagus for tonight's dinner today, which we'll have with the peas I picked earlier this week. Bush beans are beginning to poke their way to the surface, along with squash, melon, and cucumber seedlings. New leaves are appearing on the fig trees and grapevines.
Today is "Super Tuesday" and the news on TV and social media is full of opinions and predictions, I think I'd rather spend time in our backyard. Gardening keeps me grounded.
Asparagus |
Royal Lee Cherry blossoms |
Freesia |
Green Bush Beans
Nasturtium |
Larkspur |
Artichoke |
Pear blossoms