Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Honeysuckle in bloom

I like to choose plants for their fragrances as well as their appearance. This Hall's honeysuckle is planted on the block wall behind our gazebo, and has begun to bloom this week, adding its sweet smell to the potpourri in our backyard.

It has flourished in this location, and now covers several sections of wall. In fact I have to keep trimming it back so it doesn't hang over on the HOA side of the wall. Personally, I thought it looked nice, but apparently someone complained about it, so I cut it back from their side of the common wall. I let it hang down on into our front yard on our wall, though.

Since I really would prefer to look at something green and growing than bare block walls ,I've tried several kinds of vines in various locations. The two that have done the best are this one and snail vine. Snail vine has attractive purple flowers which have a longer blooming period, but it dies back in cold weather. The honeysuckle stays green year round.

It's been rather unseasonably cold and windy today. I ought to appreciate it while it lasts, because 100-degree days are not too far in our future. However, my retiree group is coming over tomorrow for lunch in the garden, and I hope the weather cooperates and is pleasant.

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