Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March overview and a look back

Most of the fruit trees have begun budding and blooming, as have the hollyhocks, larkspur, and bachelor's button that have appeared in various places after reseeding themselves. It's always fun to go out and see the garden surprise of the day- what has come up and where, what's budding, what's blooming or fruiting. (although sadly, sometimes the surprise is what has died!)

Day to day changes in anything are often so subtle that we don't realize change is taking place. Here's a photo looking toward the same corner of the yard, taken in 2002 when we began this adventure.

.A lot has changed since 2002, and not just in our backyard garden. Some of the changes have been good and some bad and some I can't tell yet. I think it's best to think of change like a garden- something one is actively involved in shaping. There are things I can't control, like our hot, dry climate and our alkaline, poorly draining soil, but there's plenty of work for me to do dealing with the things I can control. I also try to remember that change is not usually an instantaneous event, but something that happens gradually over time.

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