Wednesday, February 19, 2014


We set out transplants of three varieties of tomato in this spot off our side patio which most recently grew broccoli. We purchased the colorful tomato cages at Summer Winds. They cost a bit more than plain metal cages, but they are sturdy enough to last several seasons and I like the bright colors. The green cage contains an Early Girl plant, the blue cage a Yellow Pear, and the red cage a Purple Cherokee. We've been pretty successful with the first two varieties in the past, but this is the first time we've tried the latter.The petunias in the foreground were planted last fall and although a bit leggy, are still blooming. Most of the nasturtiums I'd interplanted with the petunias didn't survive the relatively mild frosts we've had this year.

Here's a link to a Master Gardener publication on growing tomatoes in the desert.

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