Monday, June 5, 2017

Garden Diary June 5, 2017

Currently 99 and sunny; expected high 104/ low 75. There's an excessive heat forecast for the next couple of days, so it will only get hotter.

I went out long enough to bury the contents of our kitchen compost container, give the struggling kumquat tree a bucket of pond water, move the hose to the melon patch, and pick (and eat) a few blackberries. I'll cook the last of the green beans tonight; I don't expect to get many more this season. There are also still a few yellow pear and cherry tomatoes.Marigolds and zinnias are just starting to bloom, and there are still artichoke and sunflower blooms. There are also a number of basil volunteers coming up now.

Yesterday evening I cleaned out a bunch of clover weed that was damming up the streambed. It is nasty stuff and what you see is like the tip of an iceberg. The fragile stems break off easily, but the thick mats of roots aren't extracted easily. There once was watercress in the streambed, but the clover weed apparently choked it out. Although difficult to remove from the streambed, at least it's possible. It's impossible to get out of the lower pond, although Mike regularly wades in to do battle with it.

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