Friday, February 27, 2015

Late February overview

Spring is definitely here. The petunias planted last fall are blooming, most of the fruit trees are blossoming, and asparagus spears have poked their way out of the ground. (I picked the first spear today!)

The bed on the right still contains lettuce and Swiss chard, and the gone-to-seed broccoli has been replaced with tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and squash transplants. The bed on the left contains transplants of the same summer vegetables, plus bush beans which germinated rather poorly. Beyond the two beds in the foreground, in front of the upper pond, is a small bed containing red potatoes. I planted the seed potatoes in January, and they have come up nicely.

In the pool area, the banana tree has shown new growth, the roses behind the pool have leafed out, the bottlebrush is beginning to bloom, and the snail vine on the fence is showing signs of life.

Same area of the garden as the first picture, taken from a different angle, shows the "Iceberg" climbing rose in bloom, tea roses leafing out, and a carpet of larkspur seedlings.

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