Monday, June 17, 2013

Plants that grow well in the heat (2)

This is gaillardia, or blanket flower, which is in the sunflower family. It reseeds easily and will come up every summer, producing loads of colorful blossoms in shades of maroon and gold. (ASU colors!) Once the petals drop off, puffy round balls remain which are rather attractive by themselves and will eventually become dandelion-like clusters of windblown seeds. It doesn't wilt, even on the hottest days, and will bloom until we get a fairly heavy frost.

I managed to do about five minutes of weeding around the perimeter of this bed today. Bermuda grass also thrives in the heat! I also completed step two of this year's sweet-potato growing experiment, which thankfully is an inside job. I love sweet potatoes, and they supposedly do well in our summer heat.

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