Friday, April 26, 2013

Waiting for peaches

"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not grow weary; they shall walk and not faint."

We're eager to taste our first summer fruit, peaches from this tree which I think is the Desert Gold variety. The fruit is usually ready to pick in early May, so it shouldn't be but a couple more weeks before we can enjoy eating them. This is our oldest fruit tree and although it didn't set as much fruit as it usually does, we took special care to thin it properly for its overall health, and in hopes of larger, tastier peaches. There are about two dozen peaches on it now, and they are sizing up nicely.

I'm an impatient gardener. I don't like to wait in general....I like to finish things. For those of you familiar with the MBTI, I'm a "J", meaning patience is not my strong suit. This can lead to gardening mistakes, such as this honeysuckle/rose arbor. However, gardening is also a great way to learn patience. I know that the peaches won't be as sweet if I pick them in their current hard, green stage, and so I wait.

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