Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pruning Time

We've spent the morning rather aggressively pruning things- part removing frost damage, part removing branches that aren't where we want them to be for one reason or the other. I went after the key lime tree with a particular vengeance. Not only has it been heavily frost damaged (limes are more susceptible to frost than other kinds of citrus), it also has particularly nasty thorns and we don't use too many key limes. They are so small that it's very time and labor-intensive to get any usable quantity of juice from them. So, in spite of the fact that as a certified Master Gardener, I know that citrus trees are really shrubs and are healthier if left to their own growth pattern, I decided to remove all branches below the height of my head. That way, I can get in underneath them and attend to other plants without the use of colorful metaphors of various kinds. We'll need to paint the truck for sunburn protection now, though, and we'll see what happens.

I also severely pruned the Valentine emu bushes in the front yard, and we may wind up removing them entirely. Although they are not frost-sensitive, they've gotten rather ratty-looking, and if they look ratty now, which is their blooming season, it may be time for them to go. We've also filled several industrial-size trash bags with prunings from lantana, bougainvillea, hibiscus, yellow bells, and Cape honeysuckle bushes. It all looks pretty barren and sad now, but based on past experience, should come back nicely within the next couple of months.

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