Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Peach season is here!

There's far too much depressing stuff on the news today. It made me think of an old Vietnam-era protest song:

Blow up your TV,
Throw away your paper,
Move to the country,
Build you a home.
Plant a little garden,
Eat a lot of peaches,
Try to find Jesus on your own.

Well, we live in the suburbs, not the country, but there are few things more sublime than eating a fresh peach, just plucked from the tree and warm from the sun. Too bad prime peach season only lasts for a few weeks and it's a race between the birds and me to see who can eat them first.

This year we tried thinning the peaches the way you are supposed to do, although we probably were not aggressive enough. Most are pretty small, slightly larger than a golf ball but not as big as a tennis ball. But they are certainly delicious!


Anne said...

We have a plethora of blossoms on our peach tree, and have been covering it every night that it gets below freezing. So far, so good! They'll be ready in late August.

Kristen said...

That's so awesome! We have a plum tree that has a bunch of little green plums on it right now. I can't wait until they are ripe!