Friday, April 23, 2010

Under my own vine and fig tree

It has been unusually cool today, and I have the day off, so I spent the morning pulling weeds in the gazebo area, mostly Mexican primrose that would otherwise take over the planet. I was feeling sluggish and "blah" until I did; it's amazing how a little time outdoors can lift the spirits, particularly when the temperature is pleasant and I'm actually making progress on something.

Some of the annuals (petunias, stock, nasturtiums) are beginning to look pretty scraggly, and the seedlings that will hopefully replace them are coming up. Honeysuckle and snail vine have replaced the lilac vine in blooming behind the gazebo, and it looks like the jasmine will bloom soon. I could really smell the honeysuckle while I was weeding. The Mexican primroses are beautiful now; I only wish they were more easily confined. As you can see in the picture above, they are growing into the lawn and up the hibiscus plants.

I saw one fig on the tiny tree we planted a few months ago and moved twice, and there appear to be what pass for blooms on the grapevine arbor. It made me think of Micah's vision that "they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid."

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